God Blog

Approaching God One Thought At A Time

The wrath of God is His eternal detestation of all unrighteousness. It is the displeasure and indignation of Divine equity against evil. It is the holiness of God stirred into activity against sin.
- A. W. Pink

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Abortion Parable
The Wondrous Flock

original sin of entitlement is insidious indeed. Diabolically cunning, it incrementally entices our thoughts, emotions and actions into ever greater depths of selfishness and depravity. Relentless, over time constant temptation takes its toll until the unthinkable becomes acceptable and even an inalienable right.

Abortion represents the original sin of entitlement's greatest modern triumph. Even after the global slaughter of over a billion, it largely remains hidden and off the radar of the very institutions and the Church it was designed to devastate. Deeply affecting our prayers, worship and communion, like the Priest and Levite in Christ's story of the Good Samaritan even pastors and church leadership continue their duties unaware and unconcerned of the judgments such a wholesale slaughter must unleash.

Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants in his household to give them their food at the proper time?

- Matthew 24:45 NIV

As a lay and professional Christian leader I’ve attended well over 1,000 corporate prayer meetings, including several pastor's prayer summits. Many years ago, a generous and gregarious Episcopal bishop in charge of a well attended three day biannual pastor’s prayer summit and forest retreat devoted an hour or two for attendees to wait quietly before God. We were asked to listen for a new “
word from the Lord” specifically for the group. No left overs or warmed up sermonizing.

For years, having repeatedly tried to communicate the insidious nature of abortion with mitigated success, I asked God for my first parable. Not just any parable. I wanted something along the lines of Nathan’s customized message presented to King David after his secretly having committed adultery
and murder:

  • “There were two men in the same city—one rich, the other poor. The rich man had huge flocks of sheep, herds of cattle. The poor man had nothing but one little female lamb, which he had bought and raised. It grew up with him and his children as a member of the family. It ate off his plate and drank from his cup and slept on his bed. It was like a daughter to him. One day a traveler dropped in on the rich man. He was too stingy to take an animal from his own herds or flocks to make a meal for his visitor, so he took the poor man’s lamb and prepared a meal to set before his guest.”  David exploded in anger. “As surely as God lives,” he said to Nathan, “the man who did this ought to be lynched! He must repay for the lamb four times over for his crime and his stinginess!” “You’re the man!” said Nathan. “And here’s what God, the God of Israel, has to say to you: I made you king over Israel. I freed you from the fist of Saul. I gave you your master’s daughter and other wives to have and to hold. I gave you both Israel and Judah. And if that hadn’t been enough, I’d have gladly thrown in much more. So why have you treated the word of God with brazen contempt, doing this great evil…” 2 Samuel 12:1-9 The Message

Decades ago I’d only written a few observations. These would later become the first of thousands of QC’s Modern Proverbs. I was surprised to write the following “Pastor’s Parable” in less than an hour. It was offered, then and now, both in regards to the issue of abortion and the church as well as the principle of deceiving even God’s anointed.

A Pastor’s Parable
The Wondrous Flock

A great flock with devoted shepherds pastured on every mountain and filled every valley of a land overflowing with milk and honey. Everything it imagined it accomplished as it drew all the Earth into the blessings of its prosperity. This wondrous flock grew strong, grazing wherever it desired, whether in land or sea or sky or even the heavens. No secret was safe as it began unlocking the very mysteries of creation. Feeding on knowledge, it feasted on the fruit of its forefather's labors, surpassing the hopes, dreams and prayers of all past generations.

But the more it tasted, the hungrier it became. The more it received, the greater its demands. The more it learned, the less it remembered the Word of the Good Shepherd: "What shall it profit to gain the world but lose your soul?” With each new achievement whetting its appetite, the flock stampeded in a feeding frenzy. Biting, battering and trampling more of the weak than in all previous generations combined. In devouring the fruit of knowledge, the flock swallowed half its own offspring.

Hear the heart of the Good Shepherd: What shall I say when I return for my flock?  “Well done, good and faithful servants. Enter into the joys of your Lord?” Or, "What have you done? The blood of billions of My lambs cries to Me from the Earth?" And how shall I judge My flock? All that you dreamed I gave you. And if that were not enough, you had but to ask Me and I would have given more. In return, all I asked is that you receive My Kingdom by receiving Me in your family and friends, your neighbors and visitors, your widows and orphans.

Now billions will say to Me, "Lord, Lord, we've covered the ends of the Earth making converts and helping the poor in your name." But I will ask, "Why are half My lambs slaughtered?  Why are you covered in their blood?" 
However you have treated the least of these, My brothers, you have treated Me.” He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: "Come, let us reason together. Though your sins be as scarlet you may yet be washed whiter than snow.”

A profound and reverent silence fell upon the gathering after gently sharing this parable. For well over a whole minute or two. Then we were excused for lunch and all was forgotten. The vast majority of today’s ministers, while trained to recognize and respond to good and evil, seem incapable of
identifying, much less addressing, the pinnacle sin of mankind. And this after decades of legalized abortion and it’s cumulative effects.

An Acrostic of Change Today there are many opportunities for individuals, churches and organizations to have an impact on people within their communities.

For some
great simple pro-life ideas just click the link below: Change

For an overview of being authentically pro-life click the link below. For an
in depth report on serious church and denominational objectives and strategies to enable the church to have a comprehensive pro-life, pro-family and pro-mission strategy click the link below: Authentically Pro-Life Objectives

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